Remembering Malaga, painted corks, Souvenir de Malaga, les lièges peints 2014

Could I do something with corks I once asked myself? Painting them was my aim, but before that I cut them in halves, glued three or four parts together to form different shapes and finally I painted them in very colorful ways. Then, the kid in me could play with them in the studio, arranging the corks on small shelves, square white blocks or the likes, etc. The idea goes back years ago while traveling in Spain, where everywhere you look one will find numerous patterns made of beautiful tiles. And just in case you are wondering, no, I have not drank all the needed bottles to create this! But I did my part.

Un jour je me demandai si je pouvais faire quelque chose avec des bouchons de liège. Les peindre était mon ambition, mais avant je les taillai en deux, puis j’ai assemblé trois ou quatre parties ensemble pour créer des formes que je peignis par la suite. L’enfant en moi peux donc jouer avec eux, les installant dans le studio sur de petites tablettes ou de petits socles blancs. Cette idée prit naissance en Espagne, inspiré par les motifs de tuiles colorées que découvre partout le regard. Et si la question vous vient à l’esprit, non, je n’ai pas bu toutes les bouteilles requises pour faire mon oeuvre! Mais plusieurs sans doute.


  1. Just wow! I love the look of this, and the idea that the array can be changed and rearranged. There is something about the repetition of small items inside a big composition that I really like. As you say, similar to how tiles behave visually when laid out in large groups. Wow!


      • I think I felt the same feeling, about moving and arranging. This latest project made me think of when I was young, we lived in an area where many new houses were being built. The builders did not mind if we took scrap wood and offcuts from the scrap pile, as long as we did not damage anything on the site. So we had a source of all kinds of wood cut in all kinds of shapes, and we used it to build cities and boats and docks and so on (we lived near a lake). Your work made me think of how satisfying it is to take pieces and make a whole, and then move it around and do it again. And of course the way you have used color, ah, it is beautiful.

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      • It is a funny thing, when I was young, my parents owned a summer house on the shore of the Saint-Lawrence River. There was construction nearby, with a lot of wood scraps… and I used them to make boats, nailing two or three pieces together! And 50 or so years later, I am doing something similar… I really believe, that an artist is very much influenced by what he did or knew when he was young. Thank you again.

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